Alan Kyeremanten Unveils Bold Vision for Transformational Change

In a stirring address delivered on June 24, Alan Kyeremanten, leader of the Movement for Change and independent presidential candidate, outlined an ambitious plan aimed at transforming Ghana’s economic and political landscape. Speaking to a distinguished audience of political leaders, members of the diplomatic corps, captains of industry, and representatives from faith-based organizations and civil society, Alan Kyeremanteng presented his Great Transformational Plan (GTP) as the key to unlocking Ghana’s potential.

Alan Kyeremanten opened his speech by acknowledging the profound challenges facing Ghana, 67 years after gaining independence. He lamented the country’s inability to feed itself, provide jobs for its youth, ensure potable water, and maintain consistent electricity. “We have been compelled for the 17th time to seek a bailout from the International Monetary Fund,” he noted, despite Ghana’s status as one of the world’s leading gold producers.

Alan Kyeremanten attributed Ghana’s current plight to three main factors: failed leadership, divisive political rhetoric, and an unproductive national mindset. Emphasizing the need for a transformational leader, he urged Ghanaians to seize the opportunity presented by the upcoming December elections to elect an independent candidate capable of fostering a new era of peace and prosperity.

Alan Kyeremanten’s GTP is structured around six key clusters: economic governance, infrastructure, social services, environment and natural resource management, and behavioral and mindset change. He promised to run a lean executive administration with no more than 40 ministers, eliminate sole sourcing in public procurement, and consolidate government agencies to reduce redundancy and inefficiency. Highlighting his economic vision, Alan Kyeremanten proposed significant reforms to Ghana’s tax structure, aiming to shift the focus from indirect to direct taxes.

He also promised to enhance revenue collection through technological advancements and a crackdown on port revenue leakages. To lower the tax burden on importers, he plans to eliminate several levies and reduce taxes, making Ghana the country with the lowest tax rate in the ECOWAS subregion within three years. To stabilize the Ghanaian cedi, Alan Kyeremanten proposed stricter regulations on foreign exchange bureaus and the repatriation of export proceeds. He emphasized the importance of promoting exports and reducing imports to achieve a consistent flow of foreign currency.

Additionally, he advocated for fixing the foreign exchange rate for strategic imports like petroleum and essential medicines to combat inflation.

Concluding his speech, Alan Kyeremanten expressed confidence in Ghana’s ability to transform under new leadership. “This is what will take Ghana forward to occupy its rightful place in the community of nations as the Black Star of Africa,” he declared. He called for a collective effort to implement the GTP and propel Ghana towards stability, growth, resilience, and prosperity.

Alan Kyeremanten’s address marks a pivotal moment in Ghana’s political landscape, offering a clear alternative to the established parties. With the general elections approaching, his message of change and comprehensive policy framework sets the stage for a potentially transformative period in Ghanaian history. As the campaign season intensifies, Ghanaians will closely watch how these proposed policies and the promise of a new era of governance resonate with the electorate.

Written by Qwofi Emma

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