Agya Koo, Adjetey Annan appointed board members of National Theatre

Kumawood star Mr. Kofi Adu, popularly known as Agya Koo, and Actor Adjetey Annan has become the latest Ghanaian celebrity to receive an appointment in President Akufo-Addo’s government.

Agya Koo, Adjetey Annan, amongst other board members have been tasked by the Minister for Tourism, culture and creative arts to as a matter of urgency rehabilitate the theatre to meet international standards.
The Minister explained that the national theatre is of prime interest to the Creative Industry hence the governing board is to ensure that all efforts to bring it on it feet is ensured.

The governing board of the Ghana National Theatre is chaired by Nana Fredua-Agyeman Ofori Atta, with other members like madam Amy Frimpong, Dr. Misonu Amu, Mr. Abdulai Awudu, Mr. Issahaque Serikpera Naa, and Professor Dzodzi Tsikata.

Story by:Kwaku Stephen

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