Akufo-Addo On Course To Massive Victory, Mahama Losing Badly

President Nana Akufo-Addo is still leading opposition leader, John Mahama in the presidential election.

According to the NPP per results it has collated, Mr Akufo-Addo has so far garnered 53.18% or 5,608,005 of the votes.

Former President Mahama, according to the NPP, has so far polled 45,53% or 4,801,317 of votes.

The NPP said the results above represented 31,167 (87%) of polling stations reporting.

General Secretary of the NPP, John Boadu, made this known at an emergency press conference held at the NPP headquarters in Accra around 3:00pm on Tuesday, December 8, 2020.

“We can confidently say that yesterday’s election was the most peaceful and transparent in our nation’s history and the credit must go to the Jean Mensa-led Electoral Commission and Ghanaian voters in general. The battle is still the Lord’s and He will remain faithful until the very end.”

“We of the New Patriotic Party know that the people have spoken loudly and clearly, for which we are grateful. We also believe you came out yesterday in your numbers to vote to show who you know has the capacity and competence to lead this great nation on the path of all-inclusive progress and prosperity,” Mr Boadu said.

“We know our opposition has been desperate and still are desperate. They proved this by centering their whole campaign, not on a vision or a message, but on blatant lies. Lies about the NPP, lies about President Nana Akufo-Addo, lies about candidate Mahama’s past failures as president and about his incoherent and blurred vision for our precious country,” he said.

“Earlier this morning, the NDC held a press conference to announce a list of parliamentary seats they claim to have flipped, including ones that are yet to be declared and others the NDC did not win, such as Abura Asebu Kwamankese, where our candidate Elvis Donkor has retained his seat. This is characteristic of the NDC which made that infamous claim around this time four years ago that they were in “a comfortable lead,” when their candidate, John Dramani Mahama, had been comfortably beaten,” he added.

“When we came out in 2016 to show that we were winning, we did so with facts and data from the polling station results. Nothing close to such preparedness was obvious today at the NDC press conference.”

“The NDC have obviously from the press conference held today have not learn from their 2016 mistake and incompetence. It is obvious that they have no proper system of collation and relied on fake results and heresy. The NDC was so unprepared that in the middle of the press conference that the speaker, Elvis Afriyie Ankrah had to rely on Sammy Gyamfi, to whisper his usual misinformation into Mr Afriyie’s ear.”

“The NDC needs to take Ghanaians seriously and check their facts before addressing the nation. This is a serious matter about elections results in creating insinuations which create a lack of credibility on our whole election process”, he noted.

The NPP’s 2016 win of majority of 169 seats in parliament was historic and the first of its kind in since the fourth republic dispensation,according to him.

“We are happy to announce that for the next Parliament; it is obvious from the results declared across the constituencies that the NPP will still maintain a majority in Parliament.”

“The NPP won 63 seats above what the NDC had. As such it is surprising that the NDC is insisting of a flip of seats. They do not mention the many seats they have flopped.”

“In the Savanah Region, where the NDC presidential candidate hails, they flopped and we flipped 4 seats. The NDC has lost Damango, Daboya and Salaga North in the Savannah Region. The NPP is now the majority party in John Mahama’s own region, controlling 4 against NDC’s 3 seats if you add Salaga South which we have retained. The NDC also flopped in Lambusi, a seat we have won,” he added.

“In the North East Region, the NDC has also flopped, losing Yagaba Kubori to Mustapha Ussif, the NDC has flopped in Yunyoo, losing the seat to Oscar Lawal of the NPP, and the NDC has also flopped in Chereponi, losing the seat to Abdul Razik of the NPP. In the Northern Region the NDC has flopped to the point that, like Savannah and North East, NPP now has majority seats in the Northern Region. NDC has flopped and we have won Karaga, Tatale, Zabzugu and Mion. We now control three of the five regions of the North.”

“The NDC has also flopped in Upper West Akim in the Eastern Region for the first time. The icing on the cake is the historic NDC flop in the Volta Region, with NPP registering our first seat in the Volta Region, with John Peter Amewu’s victory in Hohoe.”

“It is remarkable that the NDC at their ill-prepared press conference made absolutely no mention of the main prize, the presidential race.”

“It is because they know the represents their biggest flop of all. They know that they have lost the presidential election. That is why they are running away from the figures.”

“We will refrain from declaring the results. We will leave that to the EC.”

“However, from the results publicly declared, collated and announced at the constituency level and also from our own internal collation system, the efficacy of which is not in doubt, we are happy to announce that we have so far collated and vetted, as at 02:15 we had received in our Situation Room here in Accra, the scanned pink sheet results from 34,040 polling stations nationwide, out of the total of 38,933 (including special voting ones). This represents 87.43% of all polling stations, with 4,893 outstanding.”

“This puts the NPP candidate, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in the lead with 6,085,708, representing 52.72%. This is the highest number of votes to be secured by any presidential candidate in the 4th republic. John Dramani Mahama is number two with 5,308,033, representing 45.98%. Each one of these pink sheets has been scanned and available for inspection.”

“With 4, 893 polling station results, still to go, with Nana Akufo-Addo leading John Mahama by 777,675 votes it would take much more than the usual propaganda to flip this. Whereas we do not wish to declare that we have won the presidential race, we can confidently say that Nana Akufo-Addo has secured a clear incontestable margin ahead of John Mahama. We will however as responsible citizens wait for the EC to declare the final reports.”

“As we come to end of this election period we call on well meaning Ghanaians to exercise patience as we wait for the declaration of the final results from the Electoral Commission.”

“President Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP, from our projection collations, are on course for a second term in office and a majority in parliament. We are confident of this and await declaration from the Electoral Commission, as is constitutionally mandated.”

“So far with the parliamentary results declared, we are the major party in Greater Accra, Savanah, Northern, North East, Ahafo, Ashanti, Eastern, Central, Western and Bono Regions,” he said.

“We end by advising the NDC to reverse the directive to their supporters to mass up at collation centres. Collation centres are not where elections are won and ballots counted. They had some ten hours to get their supporters to mass up at polling stations up and down the country to vote for them. They flopped there and asking them to mass up at collation centres will not flip the results for John Mahama. What is done cannot be undone for Mahama.”


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