Cape Coast: Man captured on video assaulting alleged sex worker arrested

Police in Cape Coast have arrested a driver who was captured in a video that has gone viral assaulting a woman whose identity is yet to be made public.

The suspect, 42-year-old Godwin Bayor, alias Yaw, was seen in the video physically assaulting the woman, alleged to be a sex worker.

According to the narration accompanying the video, the suspect after patronizing the services of the woman refused to pay, leading to an exchange of words.

The suspect, driving a government-registered vehicle, GV-127-16, is reported to have hit the woman in the face during the altercation and hit her many times as the woman held on to his shirt insisting that he must pay her.

According to the police, the incident occurred on March 6, 2022, at Cape Coast, and the driver has since been arrested after a complaint by the woman on Sunday, March 13, 2022.

The police said, “His arrest follows a Police investigation into a viral audio-visual tape intercepted in which a man was captured assaulting a lady in the night. The victim subsequently lodged a complaint of assault at the Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU), Cape Coast, today Sunday, March 13, 2022,”.

The police said the suspect is currently assisting in the investigation and further details about the case will be communicated in due course.

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