Court to determine legitimacy of Arise Ghana’s night demo today

The court will today, Monday, June 27, 2022, determine the legitimacy of a planned demonstration by the pressure group, Arise Ghana.

The group has scheduled Tuesday and Wednesday to demonstrate against the current economic challenges and wants to end the protest at 10 pm on both days.

The request is being challenged by the Ghana Police Service, which says it cannot guarantee the safety of members of the group for the long hours.

The Ghana Police Service in a statement signed by the Director of Public Affairs, Chief Superintendent Grace Ansah-Akrofi says the disagreement with the group over the time for holding the demonstration compelled them to go to court.

“The Police have had no option but to submit the process to the court for a determination”.

While assuring organizers and the general public of its readiness to provide security for the demonstration, the police service also said it will wait for the court to make a determination today.

Meanwhile, a leading member of the group, Benard Mornah insists the demonstration will be held regardless.

“By law, we have complied with the Public Order Act. We have responded to the Police’s difficulties. IGP took up the matter, and we settled on the matter that the demonstration can hold. Despite this agreement, police say that they are not comfortable. It is in this country that the dumsor vigil was held. So the police have no excuse to say that the night vigil will affect them, so the demonstration will certainly come off.”

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