COVID-19: Active Cases 12,422; With 1,306 Death

The tally of active cases has hit 12,422 according to the latest statistics
provided by the Ghana Health Service.

The GHS also reports that Ghana’s COVID-19 caseload currently stands
at 146,119 with an impressive clinical recovery figure of 132,391.
The number of new infections that took the tally past the 12,000 mark was

Meanwhile, COVID-19 related deaths have reached 1,306 following the
death of five patients.

Greater Accra Region has the overall highest infection rates after
recording 81,075 cases, with Savannah Region being the least infected
with 263 cases.

GHS also called on the citizenry to continue to undertake a number of he
laid down preventive measures which include among others: observing the
safety protocols, wear a mask always, wash your hands regularly with
soap under running water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, practice
social distancing and get vaccinated.

Authorities have in the past bemoaned the lack of adherence to safety
protocols, with a spike in infections expected after the festive season.

Meanwhile, beginning January 4, 2022, the Ministry of Health (MoH)
will not admit to its premises or offices anybody who has not fully
vaccinated for COVID-19.

The Ministry in a memorandum issued on December 21, 2021
COVID-19 infection prevention at the Ministry of Health and signed by
its Chief Director, Kwabena Boadu Oku-Afari, said  valid vaccination
cards will therefore be required for entry into the MoH building."
The memorandum also implored the staff of the ministry who are yet to
get vaccinated to do so.

So far 8,458,155 Ghanaians have been vaccinated against the covid19
disease in Ghana,

The figure is as of December 28, 2021 represents slightly under half of
the 20 million person govt hopes to vaccinate in the medium term to
achieve herd immunity protection against the virus.

Over 6 million persons have received at least one dose, and over 2.5
million persons have been fully vaccinated.

AstraZeneca has the highest patronage among the vaccine brands with
over 5,8 million doses administered. Pfizer/BioNTech is the next most
patronized vaccine with over 1.2 million doses administered.

Almost 900,000 doses of Moderna vaccines have been administered,
390,000 plus people have received the Johnson and Johnson jab and

Russian made Sputnik V vaccine has been administered to 17,982 persons
in Ghana.

By: Isaac Clottey

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