Ensure Continuous Intake of the Prescribed BP Drugs After Childbirth – Midwife to Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Patients

The Midwife in charge of the Maternity Ward of Sampa Government Hospital, Madam Diana Kudjo has advised pregnancy-induced hypertension patients to ensure continuous intake of the prescribed hypertension medications to help protect themselves from the potential danger of the ailment.

Madam Diana stated that most pregnant women who are put on hypertension(BP) drugs after being diagnosed with the disease during pregnancy halt the intake of the drugs when they deliver; which she says can have potentially negative effects on the lives of such persons.

She stressed that it is only advisable for BP patients who developed the ailment through pregnancy to abide by the prescription from health professionals to stimulate the prevention of the likelihood of the same infections because pregnancy-induced hypertension has a higher rate of reinfection if it is not well taken care of.

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