FAs Of Ireland, Portugal, Ghana And Finland Begin Phase 2 Of Social Inclusion And Football Project In Dublin

The Ghana Football Association (GFA), in a partnership with the Football Associations of Ireland, Portugal and Finland has commenced the Mobility and Exchange phase of the Football for Social Inclusion project co-funded by the European Union in Dublin.

This phase of the project, being hosted by the Irish Football Association, takes place from Tuesday, November 23 to Friday, November 26, 2021.

The project which is called Social Inclusion Education & Training Exchange for Sport Professionals, Coaches and Volunteers – (SIETE SPORT) is in the area of mobility and exchange and aimed at building competencies towards inclusive football.

The Football Association of Ireland which has a specialty in the area of mobility and exchange is hosting this phase of the project to share its knowledge, expertise, and practical examples to the other football associations.

The GFA and the other 3 European Union-based Football Associations will work on the thematic areas of social inclusion in and through football.

The format of the program includes workshops, seminars, visits to football clubs, football programmes, and training (online platform, inclusion awareness/fair play).

The project will also seek to bridge the gap between theory and practice, enhancing competencies, knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer learning opportunities.

The GFA is cooperating with the Sports Directorate of the University of Ghana which would coordinate the work of the Ghanaian team.

GFA and the University of Ghana have brought on board representatives from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Sports Authority, NGOs and clubs, coaches, sports industry professionals, and volunteers.

The final exchange seminar will be held in Ghana to conclude the project, will provide more opportunity for greater face to face networking among the four (4) football associations involved in the project, and also engage wider local actors in Ghana around the discussion on sport and social inclusion (football and social responsibility).


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