Renowned Ghanaian journalist, Stephen Kofi Adomah Nwanwani, has allegedly been attacked by unidentified assailants, leaving him with gunshot wounds. While the exact details of when the incident occurred remain unclear, the news was shared by fellow journalist and close friend, Afia Pokuaa, widely known as Vim Lady, in a heartfelt Facebook post on Wednesday, 15 January 2025.
In her post, Afia Pokuaa expressed her concern and prayed for divine healing for Kofi Adomah, who is the Chief Executive Officer of Kofi TV. She wrote: “Yesu, Kofi, I’m praying for your full recovery and healing. Kofi Adomah, I have been panicking since hearing the news that you were shot in the eye. May the Lord work overtime on you.”
Fans, colleagues, and well-wishers have since flooded social media with messages of support, hoping for a speedy recovery, as the public waits for updates on his condition.