H.E.Amb.Prof Dean Roberts Jnr Calls For Cessation Of War And The Return To Peaceful Constitutional Rule In Niger

The High Commissioner and Continental Vice President of the United Nations International Peace and Governance Council to the United States of America, (UNIPGC USA), H. E. Prof. Dean Roberts Jr. has admonished the new military leaders of the Republic of Niger to ensure an immediate and unconditional release of the Country’s constitutionally elected President from their custody.

He urged The ECOWAS countries to continue negotiations for peaceful settlement towards peacebuilding in the sub region, after their ultimatum to the military junta in Niger expires on Sunday.

 H. E. Prof. Dean RobertsJr. also warned the Junta in Niger to be reminded of the dangers and unbearable consequences any military action by the ECOWAS countries, will have on the People and Citizenry of Niger in particular and the neighboring countries in general. 

The High commissioner and Continental Vice President reminded the ECOWAS leaders about his earlier remarks about Disarmament,  Advocacy for Peace by UNIPGC AFRICA and his call for world Leaders to discourage wars, discuss immediate disarmament, end unnecessary conflicts, manufacturing and stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction, eradicate terrorism and promote peace and economic sustainability for the benefit of the next generations.

It will be recalled that, when the American President Joe Biden promised that his Country is ready and committed to eliminating stockpiles of weapons of chemical weapons by fall of 2023, it was in  response to an earlier call and plea by H. E. Prof. Dean Roberts Jr,  who said that an important disarmament step must be taken by the world superpowers that meets the highest standards of transparency and public safety.

President Biden assured that his Country will support all efforts to prevent the accumulation, production and use of chemical weapons in the World. He reiterated that the use of chemical weapons is unacceptable and America will lead by example by continuing to fight that impunity.

The announcement by President Biden was in line with strong signals that H. E. Prof. Dean Roberts Jr,  the newly appointed Professor of Criminology at the American University of Peace and Governance, Texas USA and which was sent to the world Leaders in his recent call for Total Peace on Earth.

H. E. Prof. Dean Roberts Jr. warned the Junta to do all it can for the Republic of Niger to discourage anything that will contradict the  Peaceful Coexistence with its neighbours in the sub-region. 

H. E. Prof. Dean Roberts Jr, a renowned and internationally respected and recognized Security Expert said his objective can only be achieved by unconditional eradication of wars and total disarmament efforts.

He called for the various Teachers of the Word of God from all Religious Entities around the world to use their tongues and the God given wisdom to transmit and promote Peace in the world instead of using them to preach violence against each other in disguise of the Word of God.

He said he will relentlessly pursue his  advocacy to end the manufacturing of weapons of mass destruction, and instead use the abundance resources in the Continent in particular and the World in general to promote Youth Education, Employment and Youth Equality in governance.

The High Commissioner and Continental Vice President of the United Nations International Peace and Governance Council to the United States of America, (UNIPGC USA), H. E. Prof. Dean Roberts Jr. has admonished the new military leaders of the Republic of Niger to ensure an immediate and unconditional release of the Country’s constitutionally elected President from their custody.

He urged The ECOWAS countries to continue negotiations for peaceful settlement towards peacebuilding in the sub-region after their ultimatum to the military junta in Niger expires on Sunday.

 H. E. Prof. Dean RobertsJr. also warned the Junta in Niger to be reminded of the dangers and unbearable consequences any military action by the ECOWAS countries, will have on the People and Citizenry of Niger in particular and the neighboring countries in general. 

The High commissioner and Continental Vice President reminded the ECOWAS leaders  about his earlier remarks about Disarmament,  Advocacy for Peace by UNIPGC AFRICA and  his call for world Leaders to discourage wars, discuss immediate disarmament, end unnecessary conflicts, manufacturing and stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction, eradicate terrorism and promote peace and economic sustainability for the benefit of the next generations.

It will be recalled that, when American President Joe Biden promised that his Country is ready and committed to eliminating stockpiles of weapons of chemical weapons by fall of 2023, it was in  response to  an earlier call and plea by H. E. Prof. Dean Roberts Jr,  who said that  an important disarmament step must be taken by the world superpowers that meets the highest standards of transparency and public safety.

President Biden assured that his Country will support all efforts to prevent the accumulation, production and use of chemical weapons in the World. He reiterated that the use of chemical weapons is unacceptable and America will lead by example by continuing to fight that impunity.

The announcement by President Biden was in line with strong signals that H. E. Prof. Dean Roberts Jr,  the newly appointed Professor of Criminology at the American University of Peace and Governance, Texas USA and which was sent to the world Leaders in his recent call for Total Peace on Earth.

H. E. Prof. Dean Roberts Jr. warned the Junta to do all it can for the Republic of Niger to discourage anything that will contradict the  Peaceful Coexistence with its neighbours in the sub region. 

H. E. Prof. Dean Roberts Jr. , a renowned and  internationally respected and recognized Security Expert said his objective can only be achieved by unconditional eradication of wars and total disarmament efforts.

He called for the various Teachers of the Word of God from all Religious Entities around the world to use their tongues and God-given wisdom to transmit and promote Peace in the world instead of using them to preach violence against each other in disguise of the Word of God.

He said he will relentlessly pursue his  advocacy to end the manufacturing of weapons of mass destruction, and instead use the abundance of resources in the Continent in particular and the World, in general, to promote Youth Education, Employment and Youth Equality in governance.

By: Dr. Moses Okine

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