New Year’S Eve: VP Bawumia Joins Muslims In Kumasi To Pray For Peace And Prosperity For Ghana

The Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia last Friday joined the National Chief
Imam, Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu and Muslims in Kumasi for a special end-
of-year Quran recitation and prayer session for the country and the sub-region.

The special ceremony, held at the Central Mosque in Kumasi after Jummah
prayers had the former Emir of Kano and Leader of the Tijaaniya Order in
Nigeria, Mohammed Sanusi Lamidor ll in attendance, alongside top Islamic

After the congregational Friday prayers, Jummah, worshipers converged at the
forecourt of the mosque for the special intercession.

The entire Qur’an was recited by scholars, and after that, special prayers were said
for the country, its leadership as well as the sub-region.

Speaking at the ceremony, Vice President Bawumia urged his fellow Muslims to
continue to cherish the peace Ghana has by continuously coexisting peacefully with
community members of different beliefs.

“Peace is a valuable favour from the Almighty Allah, which we often take for
granted. We often see the value of peace only when there are troubles, but this
should not be the case,” Dr. Bawumia said.

“As we pray to the Almighty Allah to grant us more peace and prosperity in the
upcoming year, I wish to urge my brothers and sisters, and mothers and fathers
gathered here, and beyond, to continue to play our parts in our small communities
to promote diversity and tolerance, regardless of one’s belief.”

The Vice President added that the present structure of the country’s leadership is a
reflection of the Ghanaian society, assuring that government will continue to uphold
its responsibility to promote peace.

“Our government, with Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo as President and myself
as Vice President, is a reflection of a diverse Ghanaian society,” Dr. Bawumia
noted. “There is, therefore, a responsibility on us to continue to cherish this
diversity and promote same for the benefit of our country.

This we have been doing, and we will continue to do so,” the Vice President assured.

The Special Guest for the ceremony, HRH Sanusi Lamido II, who led Jummah
prayers earlier prayed for the leadership of the country, the continent and the
people of Ghana.

Sanusi Lamidor, the 14th Emir of Kano State, and former Governor of the Central
Bank of Nigeria, reserved special praise for the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu
Bawumia for his good leadership qualities.

“I will like to join all of you in testifying that you have in him (Bawumia) a great
leader with great potential.

By: Isaac Clottey

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