No Case Of Terrorists Attack Recorded In The Country- Kan Dapaah

The Minister for National Security, Mr. Kan Dapaah has said, Ghana has so far not been attacked or experienced any form of attack by terrorists.

He explained that in recent times there have been about 14 to 15 terrorist attacks on Cote D’Ivoire 7 attacks on Benin and one on Togo.

Mr Dapaah said, even though Ghana has not experienced any attack, the government has put in measures to be on alert at all times in order to ensure that, if there’s an attack, the country would be able to handle it.

The Minister further briefed the House on the current security situation on Bawku.

He said, between 14 and 16 of March,2022 there were several reports of gunshots resorting the death of some persons and injury of some elders including three personnel from the Ghana Armed forces

He said, the situation was so bad that the security situation in Bawku needed to be intensified in order to restore peace but things didn’t work out as it was expected therefore there was the need to call for re-enforcement.

The minister added that there is an ongoing investigation to unravel people who were involved in the shooting incidents to make sure that, all those people are arrested and face the law.

Finally, the Minister commended Members of Parliament from the area, Zebilla, Bawku Central, Garu, Pussiga, Tumpani and Binduri paid a visit to Bawku all in the name of restoring peace by visiting the regional security council (RESEC) and other eminent Chiefs such as Bawku-Naaba, other community leaders and residents of these areas to bring peace among the people.

Mr Kan Dapaah gave these report this afternoon in Parliament when the Hon Member of Parliament for Kwadaso, Mr Kingsley Nyarko filed a question to find out the current state of security in the country considering the instability within the Sub-region and the measures in place to ensure the safety of the people and stability of the country.

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