“Regulate The Importation Of Tramadol To Avoid Abuse”- Rev Tells FDA

The general overseer for Seventh Day Pentecostal Assemblies Of God at Esreso in the Ashanti region, Rev. Enock Ofori has urged the Foods and Drugs Authority (FDA) to regulate the importations of tramadol and other drugs to avoid abuse.

According to the renowned man of God, there are a lot of loopholes in the system which allow the leakage of such drugs into the market.

Whilst responding to drivers abusing and using hard drugs whilst driving, he called on the MTTD department of the Ghana Police Service to intensify their activities on the various highways in order to help deal with these nuisance behaviors of some drivers.

“We need to sit up as a country and regulate the Importations of such drugs into the system. Some drugs are only allowed to be used under expert prescription but unfortunately, some of these drivers have gone beyond that and abused it simply because it’s in the market. I will plead with FDA/GPS to up their games and regulate it well”, he stated.

“The accidents on our roads are becoming too much, I will plead with the MTTD department of the Police Service to avoid being lenient to any driver who will be caught drunk or taking any sort of hard drug. I think this can help the country and will help reduce the rampant accidents on our highways”, he concluded.

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