Techiman North District grateful to Prez Akuffo-Addo for a fair share of “Year of Roads” – DCE

Hon. Addo Donkor Everson, District Chief Executive for Techiman North in the Bono East region has on behalf of Nananom and his people commended President Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo for giving them their fair share of the “Year of Roads” projects.

The government declared 2020 as the “Year of Roads” but the execution of projects was interfered with by the novel COVID-19 pandemic and was therefore extended to the Year 2021 and continuing in 2022 which has seen historic and massive construction of roads across the length and breadth of the country.

According to the Techiman North DCE, constructions such as opening and tarring of Tuobodom Town Roads which is the first time in history is currently ongoing as well as the reshaping of Aworowa Town roads and several other Urban and Feeder roads which the people are very much enthused and appreciative to the NPP government.

Speaking in an interview with the media at Tuobodom when he visited to inspect some road sites, Hon. Everson Addo-Donkor pleaded with Nananom and the good People of Techiman North to continue supporting the NPP government by giving them some more years to rule after their eight in 2024 as there are several projects and programs they have initiated that need to be completed.

Hon. Addo-Donkor Everson concluded by advising the contractors namely; Stevemeans Construction Ltd and Perzoo Constructions to do quality works for the nation and further pleaded with the Minister for Roads Hon. Kwasi Amoako-Atta to expedite action on the “almighty” Asueyi-Mesidan-Buoryem road which has been abandoned for over ten (10) years saying it will attract a lot of goodwill to the government from the People when constructed.

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