Afrochella Launches Ultra-Modern Music Museum In Accra

The Culture Management Group, organizers of Afrochella has launched an ultra-modern music Museum in Accra as part of activities to celebrate Afrochella 2021.

According to the Project Manager of Afrochella,Khadijat El-Alawa, the 2021 Afrochella focuses on the prevention and marketing aspects of the rich Ghanaian and African music, hence a need to set up a music Museum telling a vivid story of the emergence and true origination of Ghanaian music and it musicians.

She believes that by setting up this music museum, there will be a broader conversation about Ghanaian music and the way forward as a nation.

The ultra-modern music Museum captures past and current Ghanaian musicians, representing different genres of music of Ghanaian descent.

Afrochella is an annual Ghanaian music and experiential festival that showcases the vibrant work of African creatives & entrepreneurs. With representation from diverse cultures across the continent, Afrochella is designed to elevate and highlight thriving millennial talent in Africa.

The festival aims to teach, explain and explore cultures through a pioneering approach; combining art, creative activations, premium continental cuisine, and African music.

Story by:Kwaku Stephen

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